Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee
Citizens are being recruited to serve on the 测量PCC Citizens' Bond Oversight 委员会(CBOC).
By code, the CBOC must include one person from each of the following groups:
- Local community organization
- 当地的商业
- Senior citizens' organization
- 纳税人的组织
- PCC学生
名字 | 代表 |
崔秀金 | 商界 |
比尔欧宝 | Senior citizens’ organization - Chairperson |
凯文Strotz | Bona fide taxpayers’ organization |
托尼疯人 | PCC的学生 |
贾斯汀徐 | College support organizations |
布伦特Kuszyk | Trustee Area #1 (Sandra Chen Lau) |
罗宾·纳瓦罗 | 受托人2区(James A. Osterling) |
布兰登D. 拉马尔 | Trustee Area #3 (Steve Gibson) - Vice-Chairperson |
艾伦Hubsch | Trustee Area #4 (Tammy Silver) |
劳伦斯·阿贝尔森 | Trustee Area #5 (Kristine Kwong) |
罗恩丘韦 | Trustee Area #6 (John Martin) |
玛丽·安·劳 | Trustee Area #7 (Alton Wang) |
In November 2022, voters in the Pasadena Area 社区 College District approved 测量PCC, a $565 million general obligation bond measure, to prepare local students for four-year colleges and to train local residents for high-skilled jobs by:
- Repairing or replacing leaky roofs, old rusty plumbing and faulty electrical systems
- Keeping computer systems and instructional technology up-to-date
- Upgrading classrooms, labs and career training facilities for science, technology, engineering, math and computer science
- Improving access for students and veterans with disabilities
- Repairing or replacing outdated electrical, water and irrigation systems to improve energy efficiency and water conservation
- Establishing permanent satellite campuses in areas around the region
- Removing hazardous materials like asbestos and lead pipes from older buildings
- Retrofitting older buildings to make them earthquake safe
Facilities improvements to be funded by 测量PCC were identified following more than six years of work by PCC faculty, staff, students, independent facilities professionals, 社区居民. 的 result of their work is a comprehensive Facilities Master 计划.
的 设施总体规划 provides a road map to achieve high quality instructional facilities required to accommodate future academic and enrollment needs of our communities.
Laws governing passage 测量PCC require strict accountability for the spending of funds received as a result of voter-approved bonds. 的se include annual independent audits and public oversight. An independent Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee, comprised of local citizens, homeowners, and taxpayers, among others, is responsible for monitoring expenditure of all 测量PCC funds and to keep the public informed of the progress 测量PCC.
This website will provide the public with information about the status of the bond funding and the work of the 测量PCC Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee.